Error install Shoutcast on Centova v3.0.5 on CentOS 6.5 x86

Read 7084 times
i test the new version on my new server, but error install, please helpme ?

[root@SRV-CENTOVACAST ~]# /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update --add shoutcast2

Checking Centova Cast Common Files ...
Not updated, skipping

Checking shoutcast2 ...
Downloading shoutcast2 ...

Verifying archive integrity ...
Unpacking archive ...

Installing shoutcast2 ...

Unable to determine latest release, aborting
Installer exited with error, aborting

And Shoutcast 1 too:

[root@SRV-CENTOVACAST ~]# /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update --add shoutcast1

Checking Centova Cast Common Files ...
Not updated, skipping

Checking shoutcast1 ...
Downloading shoutcast1 ...

Verifying archive integrity ...
Unpacking archive ...

Installing shoutcast1 ...

Unable to determine latest release, aborting
Installer exited with error, aborting

Only Icecast install sucessifuly, because ?
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I am also getting the same problem with CentOS 6.5 - it worked OK before the server was updated from 6.3!!

Also the permissions in the /usr/local/centova directories are all messed up compared to the original installation with /etc showing 1000:1000 as owner:group

Has anyone found what the solution is?

Same problems here too. Using Centos 6 x64.
I am trying to reinstall my centova cast and I get this error now too. so I am guessing that no one knows how to fix this yet?
This is once more due to changes at the Nullsoft download site.

I've tested this on our Debian test machine and seems to be working fine now, if you still have issues with Centos please let us know.

I still have this issue. Though I am on a debian linux.. See ticket #EA3-GAQ7-197
Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 09:27:00 am by asapcpu
I still have this issue. Though I am on a debian linux.. See ticket #EA3-GAQ7-197

Your issue is not the same at all, you are having problems with sc_trans2 which is no logner available for download.
learn something new everyday lol so why can't I install V1 either?
learn something new everyday lol so why can't I install V1 either?

No one said that you can't install it, but you can't download it from Nullsoft at the moment which means you can't use the automated installer.
sc_trans and the v1.x DNAS downloads were removed from the nullsoft download site as the new owners do not have permission to redistribute them as-is. for sc_trans that's due to all of the licensed encoding and decoder libraries (and until decisions are made if it'll be supported going forward, hence no unlock code stuff, etc) and for the v1.x DNAS because only AOL officially has the rights to distribute that old version (which they'd already dropped support of for the last few years).

obviously there's nothing stopping people from using those if they have the downloads already (or stopping other services hosting copies of them), but they cannot be officially provided and this is some final clean-up of things that can be provided as a result of the SHOUTcast sale (and i think it was obvious that sc_trans was likely to be removed from official download for a while). so that just leaves the v2.2.x DNAS (which will happily accept v1.x based sources despite what some people keep thinking) and the Source DSP plug-ins available for official download.
Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 10:27:16 am by DrO
so if i need to get  a copy of the binaries, can't centova host it and make it part of the automated installer?
that could be done, but it becomes a grey areas as technically AOL still own the rights to those removed versions. and it doesn't help with using sc_trans in MP3 mode (though who's to stop someone re-using an unlock key... is only the licensing companies that won't like it and isn't like it can be tracked anyway).

maybe sc_trans will return (though doing things 'right' means licensing encoding and decoding as applicable and that's what's killed it for the time being as what was used cannot be used anymore and that means a hefty re-write), but as the last i'd heard Steve was working on a sc_trans replacement that was meant to have been released a few months back, maybe it's a non-issue now anyway.
Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 10:43:43 am by DrO
so if i need to get  a copy of the binaries, can't centova host it and make it part of the automated installer?

Steve has made it clear in the past that he's not inclined to bundle/distribute unlicensed binaries with Centova Cast. Such was the case of ices-cc which required Steve to write an entire "build from source" installer, when the license no longer allowed pre-built binaries to be distributed by third-parties.

I don't know if this posture will change in the near future, but it is much more likely than a replacement (already in the works) will be rushed out as a result of this news.

Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 11:27:04 am by Roger