Installing Bittorrent sync on same server...port query...

Read 6894 times
Hi guys and girls!

I'm really hoping that somebody here has enough knowledge on the software to answer what I hope is a fairly basic question!

I have Centovacast installed on a dedicated server. Because we are now streaming multiple stations we have purchased a very powerful server with awesome connectivity to the net. The server is running Debian LINUX. The server has huge storage and all of our streams actually come from live sources so the storage is pretty redundant. Our office records, music files and so on are currently stored here and also on external hard drives but we also pay for cloud backup which as you can imagine when you are talking of a couple of terabytes of information is a lot of money!

I came across bit torrent sync today which is a little bit like dropbox but doesn't use the cloud – just synchronises between systems and I've tried it out on one of our other servers which is on Windows 2012 as well is on the office PC and Mac and it is absolutely awesome – then the clock started ticking in my brain I realised that because it can be installed on LINUX I can save quite a bit of money by utilising some of the unused disk space on our main server and using that as the backup for everything including our music etc. (The dedicated server is mirrored to another one so the data is rock solid and safe ).

My query comes with installin bit torrent sync and whether or not it will interfere with centova? I know that to access the GUI interface for centove it is configured as standard to IP: 2199. Our port range for streams is set to automatically apply between 8000 and 10,000. Currently, we only have a few streams going out and we are using port 8000 through 8032. In bit torrent you can configure the listening ports so I can set this to something well away from the ports of centova (maybe somewhere in the 6000 range) but by default the GUI interface to log onto bit torrent is IP: 8888 and this is what worries me!

Although we are currently not using anywhere near 8888 and as I said we are only going up to 8032 at the moment but will the GUI interface being on port 8888 interfere with centovacast in any way?

Bit torrent synchronisation seems to be an absolutely awesome way for somebody our situation (and I'm sure this applies to many of us who have powerful dedicated servers for the purpose of streaming) to securely backup all of their data. For me losing all of our music files would be an absolute nightmare and I am a little bit anal about it – as I said, everything is backed up here in the office but should the office burned down we do require some kind of cloud storage and frankly it's becoming unaffordable to backup the amount of data that we are regularly adding to our library.

If anybody has any experience of using bit torrent synchronisation software or knows any more than I do about the ports then I would very much welcome any advice. The setup seems to be very simple but the last thing I want to do is play around with installing something that is going to throw the stations off-line. I spoke to our datacentre staff who are happy to carry out the installation for me not knowing either pieces of software inside out they have said that they cannot make any guarantees regarding which ports it will use etc. So, my biggest worry is this GUI interface at port 8888 but obviously generally using the two systems side-by-side – any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks