Like the major problem could be bugs in shoucast, sc_transcv2 or other software not related with centova would be good identify what could be the commom factors that cause that.
Excellent suggestion. The problem is just that it's not always easy to determine exactly what causes a crash in a closed-source program that's made by another company. In most cases, without the source code, unless you can reproduce the crash consistently every time you perform a specific action, you have no way of knowing what's causing it.
To be clear, we're not trying to say "it's not our software so it's not our problem" -- we hear that a lot from clients who don't understand why we can't help them with DNAS2/sctrans2 crashes, but that's not the case. We've had clients encounter crashes under IceCast before, for example, and while IceCast isn't our product either, it's open-source so it's not hard for us to run it under a debugger and get an idea of why it's crashing. And then we can suggest a workaround, or modify Centova Cast to avoid triggering the crash.
With DNAS2, the only crash that we've been able to consistently reproduce (and thus diagnose) is caused when using sctrans2 with MP3s with certain accented characters in their ID3 tags. In some cases sctrans2 does not properly UTF8-encode the accented characters, and when it sends them to DNAS2, DNAS2 crashes.
Anyone experiencing crashes should first look to see if it's always the same set of MP3s that causes this problem. And if so, they should try removing the accented characters from the MP3's ID3 tags and seeing if that fixes the problem.
Again, this was easy enough for us to diagnose because *every* time our client used a specific MP3, DNAS2 crashed. With that information we were able to narrow down the cause. Other crash situations are not so easy for us to diagnose, and there is at least one other DNAS2 crash scenario that a lot of users are reporting that we haven't been able to track down yet. (And unfortunately, we may never be able to unless a clear trigger is found.)
But steve, sc_transcv2 could only be used with shoucastv2? is not possible give other option to aac streams?
Yes, we're working on it! We should hopefully have a preliminary release with support for an sctrans2 alternative (including AAC support) by the end of the month.