cc-control / license error

Read 17028 times
This has happened a couple of times in the last week.

Trying to work on a customer's account, and I get the licensing error.  Restarting CC seems to help take care of the issue, however during the restarting to CC, I get the following:

Stopping Centova Cast: cc-ftpd cc-web cc-appserver cc-control (not running) cc-imaged
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control cc-appserver cc-web cc-ftpd cc-imaged

The question I have is in regard to the "cc-control (not running)".

Why would this not be running? Is this what would be causing the licensing errors?

Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated
Hello. I have same problem.

But in my case, without "cc-control (not running)" problem. All services running, but same problem.

Restarting, all OK again. Same problem every few weeks.
Same problem here.
After centovacast restart the licence start to work again.
It is the third time in a month. Exactly every 10 days.
I don't found nothing in logs. Simply the panel stop to work and get a licence error when someone try to get a command on the panel.
No problems with crons. This happen only from the last update (3.0.4). The panels worked fine for months before with no issues. Sincerelly I don't know what to think.
Probably there is some problems after upgrade or after Centova System License issues happaning during August.
Only Steve can get an answer.
Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools
For cc-control not running, please check this forum message:

The cc-control problem is totally unrelated to the license issue and the explanation for that is most likely this one:
Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 04:50:39 am by AlexiuB
Trying to work on a customer's account, and I get the licensing error
What licensing error?

Stopping Centova Cast: cc-ftpd cc-web cc-appserver cc-control (not running) cc-imaged
It's not possible to get licensing errors if cc-control isn't running.  Most likely, as Alexiu stated, you have a couple of different issues going on simultaneously and would need to diagnose them individually per the links he provided.

Hello. I have same problem.

But in my case, without "cc-control (not running)" problem. All services running, but same problem.

Restarting, all OK again. Same problem every few weeks.
This, on the other hand, is a legitimate licensing issue and is fixed in the build I pushed out earlier this evening.  Apologies for the inconvenience, and please update your Centova Cast installation at your earliest convenience to fix this (extremely frustrating, I'm sure) bug.
All thanks for replies.

Steve... if/when I get the error again I will be sure to post.
@ Alexiu - Thanks for you links. However, I am unable to get the debug log to actually create.  I followed all the steps in .

When I load it, I get the following:
[root@host416481 ~]# yum install gdb
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * Webmin:
Setting up Install Process
Package gdb-7.0.1-45.el5.centos.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

So I run the two commands:
/etc/init.d/centovacast stop-ccd
/etc/init.d/centovacast start-ccd debug

I looked a few hours later, even a day or so later and there is no output @  /usr/local/centovacast/var/log/gdb_cc-control.log

Are there supposed to be logs for cc-control? I see logs for almost everything else:
appsrv_webintf-slow, cc-appserver, cc-ftpd, cc-web, cc-web_access, process_monitor.... but nothing for cc-control.

However... in the process_monitor I see the following a number times:

[07/Oct/2013 11:40:01 -0500] Process cc-control is down, attempting restart
[07/Oct/2013 11:40:01 -0500] Process cc-control could not be restarted

thoughts on next steps, or is this something I should just open a ticket for?

please advise.

I've updated to new version last day.

But today it happens again on 3 of our servers.

Only restarting Centova Cast solve the issue.

It's a big problem. It still happen day by day.
Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools