FAQ - Recent Licensing Issues

Read 46236 times

We regret to inform you that a recent problem with our billing database might have caused inconsistencies, on some of our client's accounts.

Affected accounts could present one or several of the following; missing payments and/or license keys, as well as canceled packages that shouldn't be, or are stuck on provisioning status.

The following FAQ should help you deal with the forementioned issues, please follow the instructions according to your case.

IMPORTANT: Please note that this issues are now being corrected

Q.- One or several payments are not reflected on my account, what should I do?

A.- Please send us the unique transaction ID(s) for the missing payment or payments, and we'll be happy to apply them manually for you.

Q.- One of my licenses is missing from my account, or has been canceled and it shouldn't be, can you reactivate it?

A.- No, unfortunately canceled packages cannot be reactivated, we must ask you to order a new package of the same kind, and send us the transaction ID of your last payment. We will then proceed to apply your last payment to activate your new order, or to credit your account if you already pay for the new license/service.

Q.- Why is my license shown with provisioning status, can you reactivate it?

A.- This means that the license key was damaged and could not be recovered, however if you send us the key stored in your server we'll be happy to install it on our side, and get it working for you again.

You can find the license key in "/usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf".

Q.- I need my license working right now, I can't wait for your billing department to clarify the missing payment, can you help me?

A.- You should consider ordering a new license to get your server up and running temporarily, you can use the new license for up to 14 days, and then cancell it for a full refund.

If you purchase a new license, you'll need to replace the key in "/usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf", just remember to save your old license key, in case you need it.

Then delete the old key file, and restart Centova Cast.

rm -f /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license/license.key
/etc/init.d/centovacast restart

Q.- Why are you not responding my emails, I've been waiting a long time.

A.- Please note that our maximum response delay has been of 72 hours at most, if you have been waiting much longer than this, then most likely your email didn't came through to us. We recommend that all tickets are sent from within your client area at centova.com instead of relying on email.

We are aware of the slow response time from our billing department, this is due to the huge number of tickets regarding this issues, and the limited personell that have access to our payment gateways.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.

If anyone have any further questions I'll be happy to answer them for you.

Last Edit: September 09, 2013, 11:04:16 am by Roger
Bunch of amateurs, for one month me and my clients are waiting for your reply,
for one month you're repeatedly ignoring my messages and emails and sending the same automated response asking me for information i already sent!!!!!.
You cost me a great deal of money, half my clients already left us.
So thank you Centova for acting line a child without any sense of responsibility, going way over your head and messing with other people businesses.
Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 02:34:29 am by Yahav
Thanks for the post,now at least I have something to pass along to my clients that keep getting license errors in their panels, I don't think they were believing me :(

Can you please tell us if the problem is now corrected, I just now tried to get into my client area @ http://www.centova.com/ and get this morning :(

"Web Site Temporarily Unavailable
This web site is temporarily unavailable; please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

Once you get it back up will payments get applied? Will we have to keep re-issueing llicense keys every few days? I have several license and they are all mixed up now, should I wait to go over them all and corrected them? Tired of doing that over and over and tired of getting tickets from clients telling me there is a license problem with yet another server.

More updates would also be great, we hate to loose money!

My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
Bunch of amateurs, for one month me and my clients are waiting for your reply,
for one month you're repeatedly ignoring my messages and emails and sending the same automated response asking me for information i already sent!!!!!.
You cost me a great deal of money, half my clients already left us.
So thank you Centova for acting line a child without any sense of responsibility, going way over your head and messing with other people businesses.

Dear sir,

I have searched through your ticket history and there is not a ticket that has been kept waiting over 72 hours, much less a month.

I suspect that your emails have not reached us at all, if you have a ticket number please send it to me via PM and I'll be happy to check it out.
Thanks for the post,now at least I have something to pass along to my clients that keep getting license errors in their panels, I don't think they were believing me :(

You're welcome, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

Can you please tell us if the problem is now corrected, I just now tried to get into my client area @ http://www.centova.com/ and get this morning :(

"Web Site Temporarily Unavailable
This web site is temporarily unavailable; please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

We are aware of this issue, however it is only for brief windows while we move stuff around, as we continue to deal with some internal issues and improvements.

If you're still experiencing this issue, make sure to clean up your web and dns cache, and refresh the webstie a couple of times.

Once you get it back up will payments get applied? Will we have to keep re-issueing llicense keys every few days? I have several license and they are all mixed up now, should I wait to go over them all and corrected them? Tired of doing that over and over and tired of getting tickets from clients telling me there is a license problem with yet another server.

Our billing system has been fully available for a several days now, if you're having an issue with a license just follow the instruction in the FAQ.

More updates would also be great, we hate to loose money!

I'm not sure what you mean by more updates, if you could clarify I'll be happy to help if I can.


Thank you, I've replied to your PM. If you still don't get the response on your email make sure to check your spam folder, or just let me know and I'll post it here.
Your workaround is to order a new license, which I would gladly do to resolve this problem, however your website is down. So not only is my existing license not working, but I also can't order a new one! Meanwhile my client's streams are unable to be started due to licensing errors...

Do you have a workaround for the workaround yet? (Or perhaps a timeframe as to when centova.com will be back online?)
Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 11:38:48 am by websavers
Yea I have cleared my cache but it's still down for me also

My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com

I sent Centova staff a DM since I CANNOT even login to the Client page. The password retrieval of your system doesn't even work. It's been more than 72 hours and still no response through this channel. Now my messages don't even show up in this forum. This is extremely frustrating!!! >:(

I hate to flame you guys in the open, but unfortunately your services are very precarious. Every month our PayPal account makes an automatic payment and regardless of the auto transfers, we get those nasty emails saying that our account has not been paid. For this month, PP made an auto payment on Tue 9/3/2013 at 6:31 AM - Transaction ID: 47K454533C287840P.

As of this time, we are getting a message in the backend saying "Internal Error - We apologize for the inconvenience, but an internal error has occurred. Please try again later"....This is unbelievable!!! >:( >:(

Please provide a prompt solution.

Their main site is still down :( but their billing and account manager is up :)

My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
Their main site is still down :( but their billing and account manager is up :)

Thank you for that, I have reported the issue directly to Steve.

Please use this direct link to login to your client area until the main site is back online.


Also, if you're having problems with a license stuck in provisioning status, please open a ticket with your license key and PM me with your ticket number. I might be able to get your license working a little faster.

Please don't PM me your license keys directly, you'll need to open a ticket through the helpdesk anyways.

Yea I have cleared my cache but it's still down for me also


The main website was being migrated to a new secure server, it should be back to normal now.
for when the licenses back to normal?
Since Saturday my license says is invalid.
Ticket open with no response so far.

Trying to update license (this may take a minute or two) ...
License update failed at http://license1.centova.com/license/ (ERR INTERR): Internal error; reissue failed (Key generation failed); trying next server ...
License update failed at http://license2.centova.com/license/ (ERR BADKEY): Invalid license key; trying next server ...
License update failed at http://license3.centova.com/license/ (ERR BADKEY): Invalid license key; trying next server ...
No more licensing servers to try
Failed to obtain license update from any licensing server; license update failed
License update failed; product not licensed

**** WARNING ****
License validation failed.  Daemon will reject all connections until a valid
license is installed
**** WARNING ****
Last Edit: September 09, 2013, 10:16:46 am by EVSolutions
EVS Portugal - Serviços de  Internet
Nº Tlf.: (+351) 935 766 371
Web Site: https://evsportugal.pt
E-mail: info@evsportugal.pt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/evsportugal.pt
Their main site is still down :( but their billing and account manager is up :)

Apologies for the inconvenience; this was a transitional issue and web site is back up now.  We will try to avoid any further hiccups as we continue our migration over the next few days.  The secure server (billing/helpdesk) has already been migrated, though, and should be stable and reliable in its new home now.

I will likely post a more detailed explanation of what happened once the dust settles but in a nutshell, I made a horrible, horrible choice to put my trust in a datacenter that seemed ideal, but which I later found out was seemingly unfit to be in business at all, and which repeatedly screwed us in several different ways over the course of a 2 week period.  I (and unfortunately our clients by extension) am now paying the price for my mistake.

The current situation is that we are migrating all of our services to a new pair of geographically-disparate, well-reviewed datacenters, and will be finalizing that transition over the next couple of days.  After that, there should be no further unpleasant "surprises".

Again, my deepest apologies to everyone who has been affected by these licensing issues.  Please know that I am every bit as angry and frustrated by the situation as you all must be, and that the steps we're taking now in migrating to multiple datacenters for redundancy are intended to prevent anything like this from ever happening again.