Cron Error and Settings Error

Read 8827 times
We are new to Centova. We have a fresh install of Centova cast on a CentOS server, and we are having trouble with 2 things:

1. We are getting the popular Cron Job error in our control panel
(Centova Cast's cron job is not running on schedule (possibly not at all). This may result in various Centova Cast problems ranging from statistics problems to licensing errors. Most often this is the result of a cron configuration error.)

We verified and we do have cron installed on our server, but do not know what to have cron do. What cron jobs need to be scheduled? How do we go about scheduling them? We looked in our log and do not see that any cron jobs have ran.

2. Secondly, we are also getting an error when we try to access Settings > Settings under the admin control panel.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class albumdatalookup in /usr/local/centovacast/system/albumds/class_AlbumDataLookup.php on line 821

What do we need to do to fix this problem?

Thanks so much for your help!
I am getting the same Error on the settings page.. not sure about the cron tabs
Same here, also verified cron is installed and running but problem is only on a new server I installed over the weekend, other servers do not have a cron error -- settings page is fine
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
I am getting the same error
Actually just saw this today, came out of no where but only on 1 of our servers.

When you click the link to check Cron job problems, Theres some error / issue on that page as well.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Same to us here!
I have found that I have cron installed correctly on my CentOS server. And when I run it manually all reports back OK.

Does anyone know how to make Cron Jobs run automatically??

When I run them via SSH they run well for 8-12 hours then start popping up errors again in the admin area.

Hi we have the same problem and when running  /var/log/cron  i found this error:

This mean that the cronjob is not world writable here how to fixe this:

The cronjob himself looks like:

*/5 * * * * root /etc/init.d/centovacast check >/dev/null 2>&1
15 2 * * * root /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/rotatelogs >/dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * centovacast /usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage cronjob all >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * ccuser /usr/local/centovacast/bin/mediascan >/dev/null
I dont know if is related but if I click the email test button I get this

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class albumdatasourceuser in /usr/local/centovacast/system/albumds/class_AlbumDataSource.php on line 26
Same problem here, testing Amazon integration ends up in: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class albumdatasourceuser in /usr/local/centovacast/system/albumds/class_AlbumDataSource.php on line 26

That file is encrypted so no way to fix it ouselves. Centova, please fix this ASAP!
Thanks, this has been fixed in the latest update.

Great fast work guys!