Thinking about running Debian 7.1

Read 12139 times
We are running Debian 7.1 ...Host- Cluster config.. and all is well. Shoutcast v1 and v2 ... FTP service and sctrans2 all running without error .. icescc on the otherhand is not compatable as yet..but I heard it being addressed..(fingers cross)  8) There you go my update ...
How did you get on? It is possible to compile manually on debian 7 with some tweaking. I had to uninstall packages relating to FLAC...
I've tried run centova in Debian 7 but its not working yet. And I got a big problem: ices-cc don't compile.
I've tried run centova in Debian 7 but its not working yet. And I got a big problem: ices-cc don't compile.


This is a known issue with ices0 (and thus also affects ices-cc), which unfortunately hasn't been addressed by the icecast developers.

The solution is simple though, compile ices-cc on a prior debian or centos machine of the same architecture and copy the binaries over to your debian 7 machine, then use /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/enable_package ICESCC <PATH> to enable it, where PATH is the full path to the ices binary.


Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 07:16:38 am by Roger