Which tcp ports needs to be opened when clustering?

Read 7437 times
I'm just wondering because I don't see this anywhere in the documentation. I found this out myself, by checking my logfiles, when a Linux Control Daemon got connection errors.

It seems that next to port 2199 for communications, the Control daemon must have port 2198 open to be able to connect to the master server.
Next to that, the master server has to have port 8193 open for incoming traffic from the Control Daemon.

Now I'm just wondering.
Do both port 2198 on the control daemon and port 8193 need to be opened incomaing AND outgoing in the firewall?

Or is it enough to only open port 2198 incoming on the control daemon and incoming port 8193 on the master, and outgoing 2199 on both or something like that?

This is for security reasons, i would like to have as less ports open as necessary, so maybe staff can explain exactly which ports are used on which servers when using clustering.