Can Centova Cast and cPanel coexist in harmony?

Read 15314 times
After spending a majority of the morning reading Centova Cast docs and forum threads I have a question to share. I guess what it all comes down to is the phrase "configuring it [cPanel] to exclude an IP address" in the custom installation article:

Has anyone attempted this? I would love to hear about some experiences. I prefer to be able to use both control panels on any given server, really. I mean, why not have that option?

I tested the beta version last year. I'm pretty stoked about the stable release. Any pointers would be much appreciated.
We have had Centova cast on the same server as cPanel, and for us, it didnt work out to well, because of the "clashing" of the 2 in the ports they use.

However, If you can get it setup to where they are both using different IP's and change the FTP port for centova, it will run okay.

On another note, running Centova Cast along side cPanel, if the server isnt "high" enough, can run into quite a few CPU issues, and bog down the server depending on the amount of clients on both Centova And cPanel.

So its can go either way when running both together.  After 6 months of running both, we decided to never do that again.  :)  lol
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Here's a follow up question. I'm currently setting up the full installation on a CentOS box without LAMP or cPanel just to be safe. That got me thinking, what about the Linux Daemon installs? Do those conflict with cPanel as well?

Thanks guys!
WIth out LAMP?

Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP..  Are needed items.

Linux Daemon installs do not conflict with cPanel.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
You shouldn't need anything other than Linux installed, so the AMP of LAMP shouldn't be required in that the Centova installer automatically configures its own web server (doesn't use Apache, I think it's Lighttpd) and PHP installation. It does make use of the system installed MySQL, but that's normally automatically included by CentOS and other distros. So in conclusion You need only Linux and MySQL.

The web interface uses port 2199 which doesn't interfere with cPanel's ports as far as I know. It *is* easier to designate a specific IP address to Centova that cPanel is not using, but in theory you should be able to run them both on the same IP address.

As DJFire mentioned, the FTP port is the biggest conflict, but that is adjustable as well.

Regarding the Linux Daemon install, if you want your users to be able to upload media to the server via FTP, then you will still need to install the FTP daemon (as shown at the bottom of the Linux Daemon installation process) which will still conflict with cPanel's FTP daemon using port 21. That said, just like with the normal installation, you can simply change the FTP port in:



Most of this DJFire already told you, but I think it's important to mention that to get the same functionality (including FTP access) out of a linux daemon install as a normal install, you still end up with the FTP port conflicting.
I can confirm through a support ticket that Apache and PHP are not necessary.

I see a new feature on the v3.0.2 release:

    * Added option to configure a separate IP address/hostname for the port 80 proxy for each hosting server

Is that a work around for cPanel servers? A conflict on port 80 scares me more than 21. The only FTP conflict in Centova v2.2.7 was possible username duplicates with cPanel. Has that changed?

Thanks guys!
we have on several of our servers, using 2 IP's.  One for Apache and one for port 80.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
So to extend that into a a little more detail. You are saying you have Centova's proxy set up on one IP through the new v3 version:

Port 80 proxy IP address:   (blank to use default stream IP address)

Which is separate from Apache on another IP running websites. Is that what that new feature is for? Is that right? Handy, if so.

What about FTP? Can you use Centova's port 21 on one IP. Then cPanel's PureFTP install on another?
So to extend that into a a little more detail. You are saying you have Centova's proxy set up on one IP through the new v3 version:

Port 80 proxy IP address:   (blank to use default stream IP address)

Which is separate from Apache on another IP running websites. Is that what that new feature is for? Is that right? Handy, if so.

Yes, we have port 80 setup with 1 IP address, and Apache setup with a different IP address
But I think seeings as the most recent update on Centova now has the ability setup for setting different IP's, it makes it easier then before where we had to edit a couple different files to setup the Ports and IP's.

What about FTP? Can you use Centova's port 21 on one IP. Then cPanel's PureFTP install on another?

We kept cPanels port as 21, and changed Centovas port to a different port.  If you do change that, when you do updates, you will need to check the cc-ftpd.conf file to make sure the port didnt change.  Because on some updates, it does overwrite that file, and you will need to rechange the port back to where you had it.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.