I'm in the same situation as Sleeper. I guess if we have all possibility to check the album picture form itunes, last fm or what ever else, than why not proposing to do it. As sleeper propose, put it as an option on stream for those who find that the picture is taking to much time to be showed, but at least we can use it if we found it ok with the last fm reaction time.
up to your own decision you decide to not implement this feature, this is not fair, basically it's up to us (user) to check if it's acceptable or not.
I could anyway suggest to have a common System folder where you copy the picture on a song , so that the request is done only the first time a file is played on itunes or last fm, and later on , if same song is requested, you will use the system album cover cache to take the picture from there. In this case, if I have several client using the same audio in the stream, only the first request will be "slow" , the next time the same song is played, it will be really quick, because taken from your cache....
Is this not a fair approach of mixing a cover automatically downloaded from Itunes or last fm and a quick display if the album cover exit in the cache !
if you check the song Artist-titel on itunes, you can anyway after the first download store this one on the same way in your local system cache and do a first check there and after in the order defined int eh settings .
I could appreciate a release V3 having these features