AutoDJ how to start to work !?!?!?

Read 8847 times

I have problem to start my AutoDj. I create user configure all setting, copy music and if i click to Start i get this message.

Tip: Diagnostic mode may provide additional information about the cause of certain problems such as the above. Click here if you would like to retry this operation in diagnostic mode.

When i click here i see this message
Stream could not be started: Could not start server: Application binary has not been configured for ShoutCast on Stream 1 EU.

Can any body help me to tell me what is my problem and how to fix

Thank you
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Did you install/setup Shoutcast ?

Centova Panel > Hosts > (Edit) > Server Software > Check box for Shoutcast
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Did you install/setup Shoutcast ?

Centova Panel > Hosts > (Edit) > Server Software > Check box for Shoutcast

Hello DJFire_CFR :),

Yes i enable IceCast v2, ShoutCast DNAS v1.x and ShoutCast DNAS v2.x

And in AutoDJ Software i enable ezstream, ices, ices-cc, ices2, sc_trans v1, sc_trans v2

If you want something to change your the better, start you thinking about how to do it . . .
Enabling an application under Server Software doesn't install the application.  Please read the installation manual for instructions for installing server/source software.  When done correctly, you don't need to change anything at all under Server Software or Source Software; it's all automatically enabled.

Enabling an application under Server Software doesn't install the application.  Please read the installation manual for instructions for installing server/source software.  When done correctly, you don't need to change anything at all under Server Software or Source Software; it's all automatically enabled.

Hello Steve :),

I install all software, but only complete work Shotcast v2 other version and IceCast not work in any case.

AutoDj only work if Audio encoder in AAC+ if i wont to encoding to Mp3 nothing works.

For same time Server Overrides --> Public server: Never must bi Nerver to be work, but same time i can put other solution.

Thank you,
If you want something to change your the better, start you thinking about how to do it . . .