Automatic Song request limits

Read 6936 times
Dear Centova Team,

Could you consider adding limitations to the automated song request system? Limitations like one request per IP per hour, don't play the same artist/song/album/etc. via request?

The idea is that, when the automated request widget is enabled, any visitor can request the same song more than once and the AutoDJ will play it, no matter how many times it's requested via the same browser/ip.
Dear Centova Team,

Could you consider adding limitations to the automated song request system? Limitations like one request per IP per hour, don't play the same artist/song/album/etc. via request?

The idea is that, when the automated request widget is enabled, any visitor can request the same song more than once and the AutoDJ will play it, no matter how many times it's requested via the same browser/ip.

SHame on you Centova for not answering this.