centovacast v3 demo link problem

Read 8829 times
Hey steve

the centovacast v3 demo link is still going to the v2 demo page

can you fix that problem please

We're aware of this, but we're in the process of migrating our core hosting infrastructure to a new datacenter at the moment (an unfortunate coincidence in timing with the v3 release, due to contractual obligations) so we're holding off on deploying a new virtual machine for the v3 demo until after the migration is completed on Tuesday.

Sorry to anyone who's been inconvenienced by this; rest assured it will be remedied this week.
Unless I'm crazy the demo link was finally active again yesterday. This morning I can no longer reach the url:


The demo is very helpful in showcasing the control panel. Please let us know when the link will be available again.

And....We're back. That didn't take long. Thanks!