raoulduke881 it should not be that hard, do you have a web hosting account (cPanel would be easiest) you can use?
More or less you just upload the entire tunein folder to your web hosting (ie. public_html/tunein/), set the permissions to the song.txt folder to 777 (in FileZilla just right click the song.txt file and look for "file permissions")
in cPanel you will create a cron job, see this screenshot -- (if you tell me what you use for your web hosting I can help you choose the correct path you will need, the path included in the screenshot will not work)
http://prntscr.com/1l8kic also there is no reason this cannot run on a Centova v3 server I wouldn't think
We offer unlimited bandwidth with all our packages, there is no way I would ever enable it in Centova if it were a option, iTunes radio is nothing compared to the amount of listeners you'll get with Tune In radio, when you display the currently playing song in your Tune In directory your going to get lots of listeners fast!
The more listeners the more server resources you use, and I think one of the main reason for buffering, if every stream on your server gets 100 listeners steady your not going to be able to run as many streams and make a lot less money.
On the other hand, if your a provider and charge clients by bandwidth then this option would in fact be ideal, as your client grows they pay more and more -- so I agree a Tune In add on to Centova would be great, I would start offering different packages with metered bandwidth and unlimited listeners, as well as lots of marketing ideas.