MP3Gain integration?

Read 5047 times
It would be great if MP3Gain could be integrated so that you could normalize mp3 files in library. So that all mp3 would have same volume. MP3Gain is available as command line utility, and I'm already using it from SSH.

If you have other ideas please share.

Best regards,
This has to be implemented in the source (autoDJ) software, not in Centova Cast.

sc_trans2 already has support for applying replay gain values, but we removed its configuration options from the Centova Cast UI prior to shipping the first sc_trans2-enabled build for some reason -- I honestly can't remember why, but we had some kind of problem with it.  We'll have to revisit this and see about adding the options back to the UI.

Hey guys, just going through all this now. Found the 'apply replay gain' and 'calculate replay gain' buttons, but where are the config options? I'm happy to go into the raw code if the functionality is still in there? Any pointers would be appreciated.
All of the configuration options for the source software are in etc/source.conf under the account's home directory.  You can also edit them via the raw configuration editor.
I use ddvideo video to mp3gain to normalize my video and audio files.usually I set 95db. very great. :)