All of us here pay monthly for the license to use, test, improve new product Centovacast, exactly for this reason I think the company Centovacast Inc. should give priority to our problems and not be dependent on its User who made an unfortunate comment
While I appreciate the difficulty of your situation, I feel it's important to clarify that you're paying monthly for a license for
Centova Cast v2, and we give full, priority support to v2 issues via our helpdesk.
It just happens that we've designed v3 to accept the same licenses. You're *choosing* to use your license with an unstable beta product, knowing full-well in advance that the only support we provide for it is via the forums where I periodically check in, and other community members assist.
Also FYI, you absolutely DO NOT have to pay to test v3. We bumped our trial licenses up to 30 days (from 14) specifically for this reason when the first build of v3 was released, and you're welcome to order as many trials licenses as you need to test v3.
because the only thing that appeared to be DRO is a person who finds himself above anyone else, but he is nothing more than a being like all of us here.
Maybe I haven't been clear enough about this, but no, he is not "like all of us here". DrO is the current developer of the SHOUTcast toolset (sc_trans2 and SHOUTcast DNAS 2), so his knowledge of those products goes far above and beyond anyone else here, including me personally.
While he did not know the specific filename that Centova Cast configures sc_trans2 to use for its log file (because that's specific to Centova Cast) he is effectively
the authoritative reference on all things SHOUTcast-related, and we're damned lucky to have him
volunteering his time here on our forums.
I believe that we consumers of the product is that we are "gods" here because we pay and we use Centovacast and us is that we do what other companies in the industry can not reach a global market that is only growing in this segment and all points check that the Centovacast Inc. achieve a more global mercaod is
It's no secret that our clients are everything; without our loyal clients, we'd have no business at all and we'd be stuck in a different line of work altogether. And when it comes to v2, I do hope our clients feel that appreciation in their dealings with us.
With that said, we have explicitly and repeatedly told our clients that Centova Cast v3
is a preview only and is
not yet ready for production use, yet you and others are doing so and then complaining loudly when it doesn't yet work in production. With all due respect, if I hand you a hammer and say "don't hit yourself in the forehead with this", and then you promptly use it to crack open your skull... well, you get the idea.
Further, this issue is not looking like a Centova Cast issue at all (although again, I'd need you to do what I asked in my previous message in order to test that theory) so the whole discussion surrounding the level of support for this issue may be moot -- if it's a sc_trans2 issue, there's nothing we can do to resolve it on our end anyway.