Volume normalisation

Read 7040 times
One of the issues I'm having is that some tracks have been recorded quieter than others and when using autodj there is currently no way of adjusting the gain for individual tracks to normalise the output.

It would be great if you could add auto-normalisation, or at least the option to adjust the volume gain (+/-) for individual tracks.

Many thanks.

Centova Cast isn't involved at all in the actual processing of audio for your streams.  It is a control panel for ShoutCast/IceCast and its associated source software products, which provide that functionality.  So anything we implement as options in Centova Cast needs to be supported by the underlying software.

In brief, normalization isn't supported by any of the console-based source applications currently available.  But if anyone adds it (perhaps sc_trans v2 does/will include it?) we'll be on top of it.
Adam, for now what I'm doing is using MP3Gain to losslessly adjust the gain of each of my library MP3s to a target volume.

Yes, it'd be nice if a source client handled Replay Gain for us.
sc_trans v2beta supports replay gain, and support for it is included in the upcoming Centova Cast v3.0.
Thanks for the update. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Centova Cast v3!
Thanks for this it will make the radio sound more better  :)