Scheduled Relays

Read 5493 times
It would be wonderful to be able to schedule the station to automatically switch over to a certain relay (to pick up a program being streamed from another server during that time slot) for a certain period of time every day.

Setting up a relay requires modifying the ShoutCast configuration file and restarting the server, thereby dumping all of your listeners.  So unfortunately it's not really possible to do so with ShoutCast.

It's possible under IceCast and we may try it in future, but with ShoutCast it's sort of a non-starter.
it would be really helpful to schedule the relay of external feeds without interrupting the stream (on icecast).  please consider to use ical feed as an input method to schedule events or playlists. its easy to embed relevant code into the description field, using work group calendars, such as google calendar.

I like this idea.
Its possible in Sam broadcaster!
Its possible in Sam broadcaster!
That's because SAM Broadcaster is pulling down the relay, then republishing it to the server, which is far from an apples-to-apples comparison.  The equivalent would be finding a streaming source application for Linux that is capable of doing this -- none of the ones we support (ices, sctrans1, and sctrans2) support this.

LiquidSoap does, though, and support for LiquidSoap is on our roadmap.