I understand that. But under the RELAYING tab, it states:
"Configures relaying of your stream by other servers, where your stream will act as a source for the remote server."
That is mis-leading, as the configuration is not under the RELAYING tab but under the MOUNT POINTS tab.
Ahh, OK, I see now how that could seem a bit misleading, although it's actually still correct. Remember that relaying works in both directions -- you can either be the relay (i.e.: the server that's rebroadcasting another server's stream) or the master (i.e., another server is rebroadcasting the stream that you're publishing).
The "Relay" tab configures the settings for when YOUR stream is being rebroadcasted by ANOTHER server (i.e., yours is the master). The settings under the mount points tab are for when YOU are rebroadcasting a stream FROM another server (i.e., you are the relay).
The settings allowing others to rebroadcast your stream are server-wide, which is why they get their own top-level tab. The settings for rebroadcasting a remote stream are per-mountpoint (because it's perfectly valid to republish more than one relayed stream on different mount points) which is why they're under the Mount Points tab.
You should [...] put a description under the MOUNT POINTS tab:
Great minds think alike -- if you check the latest build you'll see that I already did that.
(Or maybe not, I can't remember if I've pushed out that update yet... but anyway, it either already exists or will when I push out the next build.)