
Read 52022 times
FYI you're resurrecting a really old thread. Account rename has been supported for a couple of versions now, the archive size limit has been corrected for several months, etc. (although it's a bit silly to archive up gigs of MP3s anyway, given that they won't compress any further; --no-content and creating a separate uncompressed tarball is the ideal way to do it).

It seems that creating a backup on one server and restoring it on another doesn't work.
As long as you've disabled signature verification it should.

After attempt to restore it, it just says that it can't access the new account.
It's pretty much impossible to diagnose this with a paraphrased error message.  Feel free to open a ticket with the helpdesk if you'd like us to take a look at the restored account for you.  (We'd need root access to your server via SSH, though.)
I wasn't saying anything about renaming the account.

I planned to use the backup and restore feature to move client's accounts from one server to another. The servers are different Centova installations (not master and control daemons) and different physical machines. Is it possible, or is there a better way?

For diagonosing the problem, I don't really feel comfortable giving out root password. There should be another way, e.g. tell what information you need and I'll provide it. - stream hosting - radio automation software
I wasn't saying anything about renaming the account.
No, but that was the last issue discussed in this thread over 6mos ago.  What I meant was just that it'd be more appropriate to create a new thread for this issue.

I planned to use the backup and restore feature to move client's accounts from one server to another. The servers are different Centova installations (not master and control daemons) and different physical machines. Is it possible, or is there a better way?
That should work fine, and is certainly one of the intended purposes of the backup/restore feature.

For diagonosing the problem, I don't really feel comfortable giving out root password.
We don't need your root password, just root access.  Public key auth works just as well.

There should be another way, e.g. tell what information you need and I'll provide it.
The problem is that I have no idea what the issue could be -- you have provided neither the commands you're using for backup/restore nor the error message you're receiving, so I have no idea where to even begin looking.

Even with that information, when troubleshooting problems like this it's usually a process of checking lots of things that end up being unrelated before coming across the cause.  The amount of back-and-forth that would require without hands-on access usually makes it impractical.

In any case, regardless of how we proceed, you'll get much faster results via the helpdesk as I said, since I don't regularly monitor the forums.

Centovacast once again pissing every one off :-( ... why cant you just behave like normal Fing human beings WE want a FULL BACK UP option that works that dumps and restores every thing COHERANTLY !!! GRRRRRR FFFSSS

not some broken RSYNC garbage bash script that was coded by a 5 year old whom does not comprehend un-escaped strings are bad .. or can not fathom how to code it with out avoid such triviality's
"ccmanage backup" once again you attempt to insult us... how is this supposed to help any one .. copy one account at a time...??? this is 2015 get a god damn grip

any time some one asks for help you attempt to question there motives and methods and write off the complaint as admin error.. and try and side step your responsibility to create a reliable usable system that can migrate easily and swiftly.. 

I am personally sick of it .. you make every thing tedious and difficult needlessly ... I have to migrate to new servers and all you've bloody done is fight tooth and nail with people to this end, even down to signing up .. you demonstrate you complete utter contempt for your clients by forcing them to use diabolical mixed upper and lower case passwords with multiple captures to even communicate with you via forums its sicken and pathetic and time wastage that only a stupid greedy and selfish company such as your selves could conjure up .. THANKS FOR NOTHING been nothing but a nuisance over the years and caused considerable upset to my clients.. and here we go again !!

Licencing shambolic
Billing shambolic
Backup/migrate shambolic
Updates shambolic

and don't you worry yourselves .. I wont be using centovacast when a suitable competitor comes to the market
Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 11:25:45 am by NOcentov4a
Thanks for your reply, Steve. I'll contact Helpdesk when I run into this issue again, with more information. - stream hosting - radio automation software
!!!! >:(  ....

# /usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage restore --username=atr --filename=/usr/local/centovacast/var/vhosts/backups/vhosts/ --reseller=unityradionet --rpchostid=1 --novalidate=1

Enter password for admin: xxxxxxxxx
[INF] Processing backup /usr/local/centovacast/var/vhosts/backups/vhosts/
[INF] Extracting backup archive ...
[INF] Extracting /usr/local/centovacast/var/vhosts//.restore_atr_559f245ea6636// | 133999 bytes, file 93/92
[INF] Extracting /usr/local/centovacast/var/vhosts//.restore_atr_559f245ea6636//atr/var/spool/media/Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar (Deadmau5 Remix) | 15016400 bytes, file 164/92
[INF] Extracted 1 files
[INF] Reading manifest ...
[INF] Backup was created for user atr at 2015-07-08 14:56:29
Result: ERROR This host does not support the software required by the account to be restored (ShoutCast,sctrans)

cant restore and cant install what it wants :(
ok I have some advise for any one attempting to migrate:

1) If you have reinstalled a 64bit distribution you need to install libc6-i386 to make 32bit shoutcast 1.x work also you need to own the file sc_trans to root/user you want it to run as and set it to executable 

2) you need to enable sctrans1 by pointing it to sc_trans2 *not sure how to get sc_trans1* but i think its inconsequential as sc_trans2 works as sc_trans1  did and and thus is backward compatible... to do this use the enable_package command

3) now you can restore all your streams with ccmanage regardless weather they are shoutcast1/2 or used sctrans1/2 as far as they were concerned

ok I have some advise for any one attempting to migrate:

1) If you have reinstalled a 64bit distribution you need to install libc6-i386 to make 32bit shoutcast 1.x work also you need to own the file sc_trans to root/user you want it to run as and set it to executable 

You don't need to manually make sc_trans executable, all you need to do to fix all permissions is run /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/fixperms, besides sc_trans it automatically installed by Centova Cast and set to the proper permissions, unless you're talking about sc_trans v1, in which case this might be necessary but only to restore stations that already use sc_trans v1.

2) you need to enable sctrans1 by pointing it to sc_trans2 *not sure how to get sc_trans1* but i think its inconsequential as sc_trans2 works as sc_trans1  did and and thus is backward compatible... to do this use the enable_package command

Sc_trans v2 is NOT backwards compatible with sc_trans 1, although it might kind of work, there are several key differences which may break a system with large number of accounts. You shouldn't do this unless you are desperate to recover a station or station that originally used sc_trans v1 and you no longer have the sc_trans v1 binary.

3) now you can restore all your streams with ccmanage regardless weather they are shoutcast1/2 or used sctrans1/2 as far as they were concerned

Note that this is only recommended if you are moving individual account, for migration of an entire installation you should use the recommended procedure described at

Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 07:02:24 am by Roger
ah yeah I forgot about fixperms at that point thanks for pointing that out
secondly centovacast does not install SCTRANS_1 using  the update command:

perhaps you might want to run that after every install and every update command when adding additional software

where is sctrans1 in that .. ???

I remember I had to modify my old centovacast installation to actually make it able to add sc_trans1 and I hunted down the binary and after some extensive misisoning I found it..  so I am not sure what on earth your talking about on that one ;/

go ahead and try.. you should know you wrote the software right?

further more seeing as there is no other known or offered way to get the accounts up and running in this scenario people will have no choice its not about desperation its about no choice caused by a limitations of the current backup/restore process and only further compounded by the lack of obvious methods to then change the transcoder to something else after the fact  period.

thanks you like the meerkat
secondly centovacast does not install SCTRANS_1 using  the update command:

sc_trans v1 has been deprecated for a number of years now, although we maintain legacy support for old station that were originally setup to use sc_trans v1 as a source, all you need is a backup of the binary from your old installation.

where is sctrans1 in that .. ???

Centova Cast isn't bundled with any third-party software due to licensing issues, our automated installer downloads all third-party software from its official download sites respectively. sc_trans v1 is not installed because it hasn't been available for download in a very long time.

I remember I had to modify my old centovacast installation to actually make it able to add sc_trans1 and I hunted down the binary and after some extensive misisoning I found it..  so I am not sure what on earth your talking about on that one ;/

Just to clarify, when I said "sc_trans it automatically installed by Centova Cast and set to the proper permissions, unless you're talking about sc_trans v1", It is pretty clear I was NOT talking about sc_trans v1, and so I am NOT saying that sc_trans v1 will be installed automatically.

It should also be noted that sc_trans v1 doesn't support scripted playlists, meaning that it won't support most of the advanced features of Centova Cast's autoDJ, that is mostly why its use is discouraged, if however, you wan or need to continue using it, and you have the binary, you're more then welcome to do so.