Forum Rules

Read 48502 times
This forum is for requests for new features for Centova Cast.  Post new requests as new threads, preferably one request per thread.  Bump existing threads to "vote" for them.

Please note that third-party software such as ShoutCast DNAS, IceCast, ices-cc, etc. are NOT our products and we cannot add features to them.

Forum rules:
  • This forum is for feature requests only.  Anything else will be removed.
  • Be sure to use the "Search" link (above and to your right) to search the forums before posting; duplicate requests may be removed.  If a feature has already been requested, bump its thread instead of starting a new one.  We do keep an eye on this forum and features in popular threads are more likely to be implemented sooner.
  • Advertisements of any kind are prohibited, including offers or requests for license sales or employment.
  • Technical staff only check this forum from time to time to update our development roadmap, and there is no guarantee of a reply.  If you need a reply from Centova Support, please contact us directly instead.
Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 06:01:28 pm by Centova - Steve B.