This is odd, because when I WGET that URL or WGET any other url (like I did for my own IceCast build) it works. Fine.
When I installed Centova Cast for the first time (fresh) I just ran the installer script with no additional packages, and it finished well - no errors. Perfect, the install took me 3 minutes, compared with 30 minutes with the last release!! Then I couldn't get IceCast working, so like a dummy I --force the install to re-install Centova with the Icecast packages.. I then received that error.
I did notice that my centova panel didn't work after that, so I restarted the centova process - and that worked fine. However, every time I ran the Centova install, again (forced), without the Icecast package.. it was always telling me that it couldn't download the packages... but I never asked it to!!!! Funny installer script..
Anyway, despite all that, I thought there was something extra in the installer script, so I deleted it - re downloaded it and then ran it again.. still, it was trying to fetch those RPM's from Icecast when I never told it to.
Never the less, I left it and started the Centova process again. I then used the command to add my own binary directory of Icecast - and now it works! Horray! Just make sure you turn it on in the Centova Panel! x_x