Decrease refresh rate

Read 20453 times
Hello everyone!
I would like to decrease the refresh rate of the stats being retrieved from the server... The default value as I can see is refresh every 60 seconds and I want to decrease this time somewhat. Is there any way to achieve that?
Edit system/streaminfo.js and change :

function refresh_cc_stream_info(){var ccsib=document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0];var ccsis=document.createElement('script');ccsis.type='text/javascript';ccsis.src=window.ccsiu;ccsib.appendChild(ccsis)}function cc_streaminfo_get_callback(ccsiv){for(n in ccsiv)if(ccsie=document.getElementById('cc_stream_info_'+n))ccsie.innerHTML=ccsiv[n];window.ccsiu=ccsiv.url;if(window.ccsic++<60)setTimeout('refresh_cc_stream_info()',60000);}

For 30 Seconds :
30 seconds
30000 milliseconds

For 15 Seconds :
15 seconds
15000 milliseconds

To clarify, the 60 is the number of *times* you want it to refresh before it stops doing so, and the 60000 is the refresh frequency in milliseconds.  The default is 60 refreshes at a 60000ms frequency, which works out to one hour of updating the song title before it stops updating.

If you change it to 30 and 30000, then it will update 30 times, every 30 seconds.  That works out to 15 minutes before it stops refreshing.

CCv3 has options for configuring this which should hopefully make it less complicated.