Playlist scheduled dates and times change at random

Read 3011 times
I've been dealing with this problem for a while now, thought it was just me.

It's not.

About once every four or five weeks, a show fails to play on schedule or plays at an odd time.  I go into the Playlists Management and I discover that roughly half of the playlist scheduled times and dates have been reset to the wrong dates and times.  I have to manually reedit them and save them all back out.

I have had to do this about ten times so far in the past year, and this bug predates my upgrade to 3.x.  Is there a common known glitch that causes this?  A library or a patch I'm missing?
Times in v2 were stored relative to the server's time zone.  If that changed (eg: due to daylight savings or other reason) your playlist times would be affected as well.  In v3 the times are stored relative to GMT and therefore are not susceptible to this issue.

In fact, the entire playlist timing system has been completely rewritten from v2 to v3, so if I didn't know better I'd say there was absolutely no way you could possibly be seeing such an issue from v2 manifest in v3.  If you can demonstrate that this is indeed happening, though, please open a ticket with the helpdesk.
That would make sense if all the programmed times were changing at once, but they're not.  It's some scheduled programs, but others are untouched.  The next time it happens I'll try and get you some documentation so you can see what's happening.

Unfortunately to instrument this will require some programming to catch the database changes - the very programming I was hoping to avoid having to do because of this bug in the first place.
There is no code in v2 or v3 that is capable of making automated changes to the scheduled playlist times.  Even the problem I mentione above did not involve the database entries changing; the relative offset from GMT was what was changing and causing the start time to be interpreted differently.  If the actual time in the DB is changing then that's virtually guaranteed to be the result of modification via the playlist editor or an external change of some sort.
And it now has not happened since, in the 2 plus years since I posted this.