Statistic raley help

Read 15840 times
I am trying to set up a statistic relay in Sam Broadcaster and i keep getting a error retrieving xml... message. the info from audiorelam is no help with this issue. All they tell me is to Go to the "Statistic relays" section. Set up your statistic relays so that they'll point to your streaming servers. Your station cannot be listed on AudioRealm unless you have at least one active statistic relay. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
A XML error in the Statistical Relay of SAM usually means there is a strange character in the song or artist title.

To be safe, only use a-z and 0-9 and _ .... other characters like !, @, #, etc. can cause that error.
Oh okay. Thank you
Now i am getting a not found: weblet error. and it is staying inactive for some reason. Should i be using my admin pw or my dj pw for the pw for the rely.
Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 01:36:08 pm by briben1976
Create new stat relay (click the + button)

Select "Shoutcast statistic relay"

Host:  Your streams IP address
Port: your streams port number
Password:  Your source password

For the SID, if you are using Shoutcast 1 protocol, leave it at 0.  Otherwise, you may need to change it to 2 if you are using Shoutcast 2 protocol.
Stream and Web Hosting
Okay I did as you said but it dont give me a option for the SID. I still got the "inactive(404:error retrieving xml document(not found: weblet)) message.
What version of SAM Broadcaster are you using?
Stream and Web Hosting
You won't get much help with that version.

1. Its obsolete
2. 4.2.2 is known for being a cracked version.

You should really consider upgrading.
Stream and Web Hosting
okay thank you. I will look into it and see if i can upgrade asap.
Okay i am trying 2016.1 to see if it is worth getting. I heard a lot of issues with it and windows 10. It has crashed a couple of times so I went in and set it to run as windows 7 and administrator to see if it helps. I still get a error "Inactive (404: Error retrieving xml document (<html><head><title>Request not found</title><?head><body>Request not found<?\/body></html>))
Can you show what you are entering in for the Stat relay (Please do not post any passwords)
Stream and Web Hosting
I enter the Host which is a IP address provided to me by centova cast and the port they gave me along with my password. For the SID I left it at 0. I also left the private stastic relay unchecked.
That 404 error means something is incorrect ... IP or port or password or all information entered

Make sure when you enter the IP you DONT use but ONLY enter the address without the http:// so for the above you would enter
I manually entered the info this time instead of copy/paste and still the same thing.  I even tried all 3 passwords (dj login, ada=min and broadcaster).