Yo tuve el mismo problema hace mucho tiempo.
Te dejo lo que soporte me escribio, es muy facil.
After you have performed these steps, the update will be complete and Centova Cast will immediately start using your new license key.
- For Centova Cast 3.0.x:
Using a unix based text editor such as vi or nano, replace your license key within the license.conf file located at /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf
Delete the current license information by running the following command:
rm -f /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license/license.key
Then just restart Centova Cast:
/etc/init.d/centovacast restart
and if you don't get any error messages, then you have successfully switched to your new license.
Please feel free to contact us again if you require further assistance.
Saludos desde Guatemala