Changes aren't being applied from the control panel to shoutcast

Read 6807 times
I have a problem where any change I make in the centovacast control panel isn't being reflected in shoutcast such as for example a change to a stream's bit rate or genre.

My configuration is CC 3.2.2 + Liquid Soap 1.1.1 and SC

Please help!


Increasing the station's bitrate limit will not also directly increase the bitrate. You need to do this from the Mount Points section of your station's Settings, and manually adjust the bitrate for each mount point
Thank you, I hadn't looked at that option for a while. Any thoughts regarding genres?
To edit the stream URL, stream title or station's genre you need to edit Shoutcast's Authentication Hash (from the Admin Login section of streaming server's index page -you can find the link under the Quick Links section of your station)