DJ live stream in ACC+ format

Read 7169 times
I'm new in this forum.
I'm using Centovacast with a Shoutcast server. AutoDJ is running fine (using AAC+ format in broadcasting) and when I want to broadcast live I use a client to connect (with shoutcast v1 protocol) on port 7254.
All is ok when I stream to server in mp3 format, but when I try to stream my live show, from my client application, in AAC+ format it doesn't work.
This is an issue or I could solve the problem changing settings?
Thank you.


[EDIT] I'm using sc_trans v2
Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 02:29:27 am by krono86
Sorry to hear you're still having this issue, but in theory, there should be absolutely no problem if your live feed is in AAC format. sc_trans2 will simply re-encode the AAC feed into MP3.

Do you get any sort of error in your broadcasting software, or does the autodj log show anything about why the connection is being rejected?