sc_trans is known to act up if there's issues with it sending titles which may be contributing to the issue you're having. as sc_trans is no longer supported by SHOUTcast since it was sold, there's basically no solution for any issues relating to it and you're probably better off looking at changing to use the Liquidsoap based auto-dj solution.
the other thing that I think you're describing is where the 2.x DNAS just appears to randomly stop responding but is still actually running, not that you'd be able to know the difference when it's run under Centova. though in one case of that issue being reported, it was seemingly being triggered by issues with using sc_trans as the source, but that was a one off to my knowledge.
if that is what is happening, then there is no fix for the issue as it's not been able to be replicated and I'm only officially aware of 3 people having seen the issue with official release builds. whether or not any of the changes that will be present in the next DNAS release help to resolve the issue or not I do not know as for such an issue, unless I can reliably reproduce it or get some idea of what is causing it, it cannot be fixed.
and to my knowledge, you might be the 4th person to possibly be seeing the issue that's made some attempt to report it, though a DNAS issue should generally be reported to SHOUTcast or you host (and they then contact us [SHOUTcast]) to be able to look into it (as I don't often check on these forums apart from around the time of a newer DNAS being released.