Listener statistics drop to zero after 3.2.0 upgrade

Read 7139 times
Hi all,

All my listener graphs both from a high level for all accounts and inside each stream have all dropped to nothing since the latest upgrade. The rest of my stats seem unaffected however.

Has anyone else seen this and if so how do you suggest I go about fixing this?


Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 04:40:51 am by Dr Bunsen
Yes same listener stats and blank google map after updating to 3.2
Has this been fixed yet ?
Steve pushed out an update a few days ago that made mine work.  Also try to hit the UPDATE button in your settings tab and then restart the server.  That seemed to fix everything after the update.
Thanks, ctown, it works now.
I'm seeing the issue still exists for any account attached to a reseller account. Accounts not attached to a reseller account show the reports fine and correct. There appears to still be an issue.

I've just submitted a support ticket about it. I've attached a screenshot to show what the drop off looks like.

Just wanted to post so anyone else who uses the reseller feature could check their reports too. Anyone else having the same issue ?