Transition between live/autoDJ ok on HTML5 player, but fail with Flash player

Read 6609 times
Hi all,

I am David, and I use CentovacastV3 with icecast since few months and i have a problem.

For listenning my radio I have a web player on my website who support two technologie HTML5 audio balise and Flash.
For do that i use Jplayer a jQuery based script, if the user don't have Flash he is redirect to the HTML5 version.

When I wanted to do a LIVE, user who listen with the Flash player experiment a bug they hear the sound so hatched. (1 second of sound , 4 second of silent). If they refresh the player the sound of the LIVE is ok.

Those who listen with the HTML version have no problem.

I have try to change all my source setting (bitrate, channel, sample rate)

I have the same issue when I wanted to relay a mount point to other.

Do Someone have the same issue?
(sorry for my bad english i am french  ;D  )