Relay/play partner sream from difrent server to a secial Time with a Playlist

Read 8215 times
Hello I have also a Feture request,
here som bacround Info:
We have a 24/7 Reggar Webradio most time it runs with mp3 Playlists or live broadcasting.
But we have also a Radio show on a real Radio Station, every Saturday from 21-01 Ockock.
The real Radio Station also streams with shotcast the lokal station as a web stream.

Now it woud be a cool feture to relay The real Radio statios stream to my Centovacast Webradio automated via time shedule playlist.

So Centovacast switches evenig Satuday from 21 to 01 Oclock automaticaly to relay the real Radiostation stream and after 1 am back to normal mp3 olaylist / autodj mode.

I hop you know what i mean with my bad english :)

Thanks for this great peace of software!!!