Questions about Album Art

Read 14945 times
Hello! I am using CC for about a week now and i made a few adjustments. I purchased a plan from a hosting company, so i don't have so much to tweak. I needed to set-up the default size of the album art to be 180x180, so i contact them and they told me that this cant be done, because it will not affect just me as a client, but the others who have purchased plans with them. So my question is -  is that really the case? They cant just set the default size just for me?
I found in the CC documentation that it can be used a javascript to handle scaling, I try it, but without success, the script works, just the string that scales the covers does not.

The script looks like:

<script language="javascript">
(function(){ var centovacast = (window.centovacast||(window.centovacast={}));
(centovacast.recenttracks||(centovacast.recenttracks={})).config = {

    poll_limit: 60,        // specify how many times to poll the server
    poll_frequency: 60000, // specify the poll frequency in milliseconds
    track_limit: 0,        // maximum number of tracks to display (0=all)
    show_covers: 1,        // 1 to show covers, 0 to hide
    scale_covers: 1,       // 1 to scale covers to the default size, 0 to allow
                           // the web page to apply width/height via CSS
    buy_target: '_blank'   // target frame for "buy now" links


I dont get it, i can scale with CSS without the above, why bother at all?
 0 to allow scaling until you reach default size, then the pics go blurry?
Can some one explain.

Thank you in advance :)
Anyone?  :o
Centova Cast always resizes the cover images when media is imported. This is based on a global setting in centovacast.conf :


If you upscale it via CSS, they will become blurry. So what's needed here is to also modify the size at which the covers are resized by Centova Cast.
The problem is that changing those global settings will automatically apply the new sizes to everyone's Recent Tracks, Start Pages. (I think this was done because some users found it too difficult to first change the size at which the covers were resized by Centova Cast and after that also modify the CSS;)
Yeah that's right. The hosting company can't change the width and height just for me. The workflow i have in mind is that the global settings could be set with bigger resolutions and in the template provided by centova as a home page/start page to be modified with CSS to the 60x60, that is more friendly to the end users, and is not so difficult to do. But i was right, cause the above javascript - the line with scaling is just useless.
The workflow i have in mind is that the global settings could be set with bigger resolutions and in the template provided by centova as a home page/start page to be modified with CSS to the 60x60
The problem with that is that most users are going to use the default thumbnail dimensions, so we'll be serving up huge images to 95% of the visitors which are just being downscaled and thus wasting bandwidth.

But i was right, cause the above javascript - the line with scaling is just useless.
No, you were actually wrong. :)  If you set this value to 1, Centova Cast explicitly sets the width/height properties on the the image element to match the actual dimensions of the image.  CSS cannot (or should not, in a sane browser implementation) override those properties.  Setting it to 0 leaves the width/height properties unset and allows CSS to control the dimensions.
No, you were actually wrong. :)  If you set this value to 1, Centova Cast explicitly sets the width/height properties on the the image element to match the actual dimensions of the image.  CSS cannot (or should not, in a sane browser implementation) override those properties.  Setting it to 0 leaves the width/height properties unset and allows CSS to control the dimensions.

You actually saying, if all of my album art is with 180x180 original dimensions and i set the value 1 in the js i will get 180x180 rendered on my home page? Regardless of the global settings in centova of 60x60?
Would be nice if you provide a real life example of using this js, to actually scaling those album images!
Than you.