Why would the system be disabling the playlist?

Read 3539 times
When looking the other day as to why the stream had quit playing, the logs said "disabling playlist". Then it said something to the effect "there is nothing to play". I am running the default general rotation with 109 gigs of mp3s, also a default Heavy rotation with 120 gigs. Actually I can't recall the number of 128 kbps songs, I think around 50,000. Anyway it'll play for 2-3 days then says the playlist ran out. I disabled the acc encoders for the heck of it and it ran for almost 8 days. Yet it quit again eventually citing the same error. Logging into the control panel it says the server is up and running and so is the auto DJ and there is no playlist or songs playing. I reboot the server and it all comes back on fine again for a few days. I'd retrieve the exact logs and post them here, but they are from 3-4 days ago and don't seem to be available anywhere any longer. I receive no notification when this happens, no emails. Seem totally random, could happen at any time. I know there are others complaining of getting too many emails, I guess i could just say...
My test emails work properly.
I receive no emails when I restart/reboot the sc_trans2 or server sc_serv2, playlist runs out, nor when I reboot the entire machine.
As a matter of fact I have received no emails at all except for the test emails.

Not sure what that's about.

Any help would make my day.

I'm not certain I posted this before, it said I did, but I didn't see it anywhere, then realized I was in centova v 2 area. So I'm attempting another post here.