Anyone know why this proces takes a lot of cpu>
My server has as cpu Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @ 2.80GHz, 8 cores
With 24 GB memory, so this must be more then enough.
Opdracht /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/cc-imaged -p 2196 -b -c 50 -i 50 -r /usr/local/centovacast -d /var/spool/imaged -a /var/log/imaged/access.log -e /var/log/imaged/error.log -m /var/log/imaged/master.log -u nobody -g nobody -w 2 -W 10 -s /var/run/imaged/cc-imaged.pid
ID 5061 Hoofd proces init [3]
Eigenaar nobody CPU 56.7 %