The following commands should restore the stats for the last 48 hours (sorry, can't restore more than that):
for f in /usr/local/centovacast/var/vhosts/*/sc_w3c*.log; do n=${f/sc_w3c_/var\/log\/access.log.}; n=${n%.log}; n=${n/sc_w3c/var\/log\/access.log}; mv $f $n; done
/usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage cronjob --job=logrotate,logprocess
Next, update to the latest Centova Cast version:
And finally you need to update the configuration for every station that is having this issue (you don't actually have to make any modification, just click on Settings and press the Update button) and restart all the station's having this issue. Then things should start working correctly again. (statistics will start being generated every 12 hours)