Installation issue of Centova on CentOS Linux

Read 8918 times
First, I'm running Centovacast 2.2.6 on Linux, CentOS 6.3. I have 1 server and 15 domains.
My Situation
I have 2 domains for which I'm trying to install Centovacast on. both domains are in 2 different home directories.
During the installation script I specify
For Domain1
./ --corepath=/home/topdog/centova --path=/home/topdog/public_html/streams --icecast=/ho
me/topdog/icecast/bin/icecast --url= --php=/usr/local/bin/php --user=topdog
For domain 1
And for domain2
./ --corepath=/home/phoenix/centova --path=/home/phoenix/public_html/listen --icecast=/home/phoenix/icecast/bin/icecast --url= --php=/usr/local/bin/php --user=phoenix
Those 2 install via the SH script, but then during the web script, they say that the configuration file could not be updated, Centovacast has already been installed. I'm not sure why this is, nore how to fix it.
Any ideas?
The servers running CPanel version 11.32.21
Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 09:03:51 am by hawk
Your installation commands look fine. 

The "Centova Cast has already been installed" message means that /home/phoenix/centova/system/config.php or /home/topdog/centova/system/config.php already have their DB_* settings filled in.  You didn't perhaps try editing those before running the web-based portion of the installation, did you?
Your installation commands look fine. 

The "Centova Cast has already been installed" message means that /home/phoenix/centova/system/config.php or /home/topdog/centova/system/config.php already have their DB_* settings filled in.  You didn't perhaps try editing those before running the web-based portion of the installation, did you?
I've not edited anything. Though to make sure installs go okay, Php Open_base_Dir was turned off for both domains as it was on. Safe Mode isn't enabled for any domains.
I'll try an install again on Topdog to see wat happens.
Also, icesCC didn't install correctly the first time. I had to tell to build IcesCC to build from source, it refused to install RPM's.
The server's running CentOS6.3, and I think that's where the issue lies. There may not be any RPM's of IcesCC for CentOS 6.3, but there were for CentOS5.3.
I'll try a clean install and report back.
I've done a new install on the user topdog and have noticed 2 things:
It still displays the error that Centova has been installed and that the configuration file couldn't be updated.
I went a different route during install this time, and instead of specifying centova as a folder name for topdog, I told it cvcast as the new core path to install to. As in --corepath=/home/topdog/cvcast
Another thing I noticed is that
if the configuration file couldn't be updated, why is it writing tables to the new database.
Also the folder ownership shows up as root. changing it over to the specific user has no affect, it still can't update the config file.
I'm out of ideas here, and feel like I've wasted $96 on a new updated Centova that I can not use. the customer who I intended to install Centova for has there own license, and I have my own too.
I figured that this would be easy to install on different domains with different licenses, turns out it's not.
When I did a clean install, I removed all traces of Centova from the user topdog including the subdomain folder. I also removed and recreated the MySQL database and user, I recreated the subdomain folder, changed it's ownership to the topdog user, and specified with the user should be topdog. Still no good results.
Anything else I aut to be checking here?
The custom installation options are technically unsupported but if you're still getting the "already been installed" error, please open a ticket with the support department and provide the contents of the /home/topdog/centova/system/config.php file and I'll investigate.  Please reference this forum post in your ticket.

That error message has a very specific meaning, and (while it may not necessarily be the result of something you've done wrong) I can pretty much guarantee you that your config.php contains something it shouldn't. 
Hi, have you found solution to this issue? I'm getting the same error when I'm trying to install a new instance of centova cast 2.2.6 on CentOS 5.8, I've already submit a support ticket but the answer I get is "As I mentionned, installing two installations of Centova cast is not covered by our support, as it's not a supported scenario."  :(

Thank you in advance