Log does not exist

Read 7282 times

I wanted to ask if anyone could help me, we are doing a migration of Centova on a new server, but we have this error that appears in the old and new server, can anyone help me?

Log does not exist; this often (although not always) indicates a permissions/ownership error.  Consult the Centova Cast knowledge base

We have followed this guide but to no avail

Hi gresio64,

I have the same issue last time that centovacast cannot start the stream and it display the error "log file does not exist",  normally centovacast cannot creat a log file if it cannot successfully run the stream so there must be something wrong with starting the stream.

login to your server as root via SSH and get the correct path of the stream configuration file and run it directly on the prompt  like  icecast -c /home/centovacast/vhost/[account]/etc/server.conf

check the output if it display and error and correct the error, maybe something wrong with the configuration file.

hope that help,
