API centovacast

Read 1564 times
Good centovacast friends, the topic I want to talk about and ask for help is about the centovacast API. I have seen that Centovacast has its api http://example.com:2199/api.php?xm=server.getstatus&f=json&a[username]=jdoe&a[password]=secret
In which it shows you data from the radio information. But I would like to add here what is the cover, the image of the song that is playing, in a large size, like 500x500.
I would like them to add that, so that centovacast can display its own covers in a player, without the need to access third-party APIs.

On the other hand, I would like centovacast to develop another API but in PHP, without the need to enter through a url, but rather in the same administrator panel of each radio, this data can be displayed, ready only to take it to a player, such as the title of the song, the history, the genre, the bitrate, the number of listeners, the title of the station and finally the cover image of the song that is playing, but in large size.
I would like you to please develop this, since nowadays this is very necessary for streaming radios. Thank you  :)