Interval Playlist Should Not Disable when a Schedule Playlist is Active

Read 4042 times
We have a radio station with 5 schedule Playlists. Mondays the station playlist Classic Salsa, Tuesdays New Salsa Artists, Wednesdays International Salsa Artist etc.  We created each playlist under the Scheduled type.  The Interval Playlist does not work when a Schedule Playlist is active.  It only works with the General Rotation Playlist.  We must play commercials for every 5 tracks played on our station seven days a week.  The only way to do this is with the Interval Playlist however the Interval Playlist does not work with a Scheduled Playlist.

We need a feature that can allow the Interval Playlist to remain active and do not interrupt even with a scheduled playlist is the active playlist.

Interval Playlist should always be active regardless what playlist is active.  It does state in the manual the Interval Playlist is generally use for commercials but only works with the general playlist.  I can not have 5 different general playlist active if our station plays a specific genres every day.
I agree with this...I would love it there was an option for any scheduled or immediate playlist to keep the interval playlist going as well.

For example, if I queue up an immediate playlist of requests or something, it'd be nice to have the station IDs continue to play at intervals, but I'd also like the option to disable it if possible for a given playlist (i.e. using a countdown playlist that wouldn't have the IDs coming in). :)
That is also a good idea Trombones13.  Disable the Interval Playlist for any given playlist.  There are times I would like to disable an interval playlist when a schedule playlist activates.