source & admin password

Read 22215 times
Hi guys, I am trying to get my head around some of the terminology with Centova Cast and failing in some areas.

Can anyone explain the difference between a 'source' password and an 'administator' password? I see both in the client account set up and see the descriptions of these passwords in the manual but I dont understand from the explanations what exactly they are. I would assume for a client to have access to their account they would need a user id and password, but why do they need two passwords? and if the client password to access their set up is the admin password, what is the source password for?

The manual says a source password is required for a "streaming source" to connect to the stream, but does that mean a source for a stream? as in, the client specifies the source here instead of the server admin? or is this the password to connect to the icecast or Shoutcast server stream?

Maybe thats what it is, but why a client has this data I am not sure.
It's a throwback to the Shoutcast passwords.

Source Password allows DJ's to connect to the server and broadcast.

Admin Password allows them to broadcast / Kick the Server / Change the RIP & Banned / etc.
OK thanks SCstreaming,

So since I am not currently planning any live broadcast activity then I guess I dont need to set a source password.

The admin password then is specifically for that account / stream only then?

Thanks for your help. I am technically minded but still trying to get my head around the terminology here :-)