Full IPv6 support

Read 16715 times
IPv4 is now obsolete. Every software or service IPv4 is doomed to be unaccessible by a great portion of the internet and this portion increases everyday. New datacenters and new ISPs cannot request more IPv4 in many countries. Centova is also doomed to be obsolete if it doesn't add IPv6 support fully. Service operators like me will have to move to other solution because they cannot spin new servers with IPv4 addresses only.

Icecast is fully IPv6 compatible and this will allow Centova to support IPv6 as well. Web GUI, confs and mainly statistics need to support and understand IPv6 addresses. It looks like a small feature but with tremendous consequences.

I strongly suggest IPv6 to be a top priority for the next release.
Hello KurtKraut,

While I disagree with the "IPv4 is doomed" scenario, we would like let everyone know that we do have plans to enable IPv6 support in the not so distant future.

As for why are we not taking this topic with more urgency, it's because IPv4 might be old, but is far from obsolete. IPv4 is the current standard on which the internet runs, and will remain to be so for many years still.

According to the RIPE network coordination centre, only about 25% of networks announce an IPv6 prefix for a specified list of countries.

Another interesting statistic, is Google's IPv6 traffic count, which while it has manage to grow significantly in the last few years, it still only accounts for about 11% of their traffic (links to sources below).


Hello Roger,

What would be a ideal percentage adoption in order for Centova to implement IPv6 on its product ? Would you wait for majority of other products and have it to then think about implementing it or do you plan to stay on the top new technology stuff ?

While your are correct to say the IPv4 will remain for many years, the long term protocol which Internet will develop itself for the next decades is IPv6 and that's not just my point of view. IPv4 will stay always there , but for legacy proposes.

As KurtKraut mentioned this is more and more needed for Service Providers as in some places (like ARIN area) IPv4 is already over so keep running in IPv4-only systems and networks brings new issues in mid/long term not only for Service providers but for Network Operators who have to build far from ideal things like CGNAT.

This is not just a "nice to have feature", but something that you may not leave for "when stuff have some spare time".

Please look into it with more consideration and bring IPv6 support to Centovacast.
Yes I need the IPV6 support to be added very quickly.  I quote from Apple... "Starting June 1, 2016 all apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking. "    The latest app I wrote showcasing the stream of one of my clients was refused for publication because the stream feed was not IPV6 compatible.  This can destroy my small business.  I certainly hope you can address this issue or I will have to find another source for streaming.   See what apple says about ipv4 and ipv6 here. 


If you didn't see the need before.  Maybe you will now.
Yes I need the IPV6 support to be added very quickly.  I quote from Apple... "Starting June 1, 2016 all apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking. "    The latest app I wrote showcasing the stream of one of my clients was refused for publication because the stream feed was not IPV6 compatible.  This can destroy my small business.  I certainly hope you can address this issue or I will have to find another source for streaming.   See what apple says about ipv4 and ipv6 here. 


If you didn't see the need before.  Maybe you will now.

Centova Cast already supports IPv6 for its own web interface and API.

The most likely reason for your app being rejected is probably because you are using hard-coded IPv4 addresses instead of domain names.
It has been more than 6 months since I last posted in this thread about IPv6 and the most we got is that web interface supports it.
Are you guys not ashamed that in Feb, 2017 still not have a IPv6 ready product and keep using the usual "Well never mind, people don't need it, so we will not waste time with it".

Until when we will have to wait for a full IPv6 support and ask for it as if it was something "cosmetic" ?