streaming not found with Chrome

Read 10663 times

I have a problem. My streaming services do not work with Google Chrome, I have several radios running with the latest version of the version and version of Shoutcast and none works with the player html5, I tried with version 1.9.8 unfortunately I have not worked either Html5 player.

I have another streaming server with whmsonic and alli if I run the players, no problem with google chrome, but whmsonic has version 2.4.7 of Shoutcast.

What solution do we have for this problem?

You need to run SHOUTcast version 2.4 or greater for the new CHROME.

Look at the post below from Dr O of SHOUTcast:
Dennis: I'm not involved with SHOUTcast (haven't been since Sept 2015) but I still keep myself in on things where it's feasible to. Just wanted to clarify that so I don't get more grief from SHOUTcast's owners.

As I update my shoutcast from 2.2.1 to 2.4.x ... try with /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update
But continues version 2.2.x

CentOS 6.4 with centova v3.2.8 already playing in Google Chrome
You can see example in the link below

All this was done with the help of MyAutoDJ member.
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Centova is apparently resolved to ignore this problem as opposed to WHMSonic that this is solved in a few days.
This is not a Centovacast issue, ensure your streaming is using Shoutcast 2.4+ and it goes away.
I've updated some of my v1 streams to v2 and everything is back to normal.

More details can be found here :

You can use Centova Cast's port 80 proxy to circumvent this limitation imposed by Chrome and Safari (and probably the rest of the browsers will follow).

If you're not aware how Centova Cast port 80 proxy works, we've made documentation available here:
It looks like Chrome's developers are going to make an exception for Shoutcast v1 and allow it to work in Chrome even when using non-standard ports (80 for HTTP, 443 HTTPS):