Problems with Shoutcast 2 "mp3"

Read 7669 times
Someone is in trouble hearing flawless in shoutcast 2 "mp3"?

Example in direct player page -
or page shoutcast -

Here is heard without any failure -

SHOUTcast Server v2.5.1.723/posix(linux x64)
Centova Cast v3.2.7
EVS Portugal - Serviços de  Internet
Nº Tlf.: (+351) 935 766 371
Web Site:
I know that you've already had a ticket opened for this, and we weren't able to provide a solution, but as we got another identical report and we gathered more information, the issue seems to be with the latest Shoutcast v2 version, v2.5.1

The only solution for now was to revert back to an older Shoutcast v2 version.

We've only had two reports of this issue (with one being yours) so if this is indeed a Shoutcast bug, it's a very rare one.
Hello AlexiuB,

already I asked another 6 companies and they told me that was the same as mine,
it is strange not reporting will Centova.

Hired an account at another company, it is the same.
Hired a reselling another company, is the same.
I mounted another dedicated server is the same.

How can I revert the shoutcast 2 to older version?
EVS Portugal - Serviços de  Internet
Nº Tlf.: (+351) 935 766 371
Web Site:

The same here. Were we can get the older Version?

How can I revert the shoutcast 2 to older version?
EVS Portugal - Serviços de  Internet
Nº Tlf.: (+351) 935 766 371
Web Site:
Yes getting complaints as well, clients think it's a server problem please fix
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets

I want to thank and congratulate the My Auto DJ the excellent work they did with my servers.  ;)
EVS Portugal - Serviços de  Internet
Nº Tlf.: (+351) 935 766 371
Web Site:
Just used a older version,

it goes

remember to run
/etc/init.d/centovacast restart

That was from 2015, not sure how it will work with the new YP hash listing if at all
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
Assuming I'm understanding the issue correctly where flawless means it doesn't play cleanly without buffering or skipping things.

It's most likely related to the bevy of advert handling changes that were introduced in 2.5 (I cannot comment much on this final 2.5.1 release but it's likely a lot of what I'd done as part of what was to become 2.5 is still in there albeit not finished off) to try to control the stream output so that adverts would be correctly inserted & the stream would resume back in at the correct position.

Setting ratelimit=0 in the DNAS's config file is the first obvious thing to try which if not using the DNAS+ / advert stuff is the best thing to do anyway (which makes it act more like the 2.4.7 release). As despite RN locking access to the downloads down, etc there's a lot off good things in 2.5 to make it work better with HTML5, make it easier to connect sources and other related usage.

Sadly they're not properly updating the changelogs at since I was let go to know what has actually been done other than a single generic one line at the very bottom.

So if that ratelimit option doesn't work then other than trying to report the issue to SHOUTcast, going back to 2.4.7 is probably the best option. As for the YP listing stuff, it's all a mess with them locking things down to need an account (which doesn't really work in hosted setups i.e. the majority case) but afaik the older 2.4x way of doing things should still work (has been a while since I've tried myself. Alas the authhash system never really worked as wanted (a known point of data to resolve listing related issues) as it went against the connect & go approach people wanted (though registering on other directories was deemed ok, heh).

I have same issue i have to downgrade two time

DNAS  v2.5.0.715
DNAS 2.4.7

v2.5.0 help the problem but those users who have liquidsoap as AutoDj still face issue, so we go for DNAS 2.4.7 which work fine

Error log is also not helping, I hope it will be fix sometime soon

BTW thanks My Auto DJ for 2.4.7 file :)