I put in a ticket with Centovacast and they at first said the log files are rotated and they are still maintained.
Then they said:
Even if the logs are gone, which is normal, after they have been rotated, they should have been processed by Centova Cast and should have been transformed into statistics.
The problem here, which I've just noticed, is that more access log files should be present; they should be in the same number as error logs. So I'm going to contact our developers about this.
My issue is the historical data is somehow deleted and not retained. You can see that here in the clients log file area:
http://prntscr.com/d5d1i0Next they said they would turn the ticket over to the developers to see what is happening. My problem is every time they escalate a ticket to the developers, it takes from a few days to months and months to get a response.
I'm going to lose a few customers if this is not resolved.
Has anyone else noticed this issue ? This station doesn't play music, it is a talk station, so the log entries are far less than a station changing songs every 3 to 4 minutes.