Setting up Icecast

Read 6461 times
I've been reselling Shoutcast for 7yrs. Setups were very easy. Along comes a customer who uses Nicecast on a Mac, now being I've never setup a Icecast stream, I went into my centova control and click, click I have an Icecast stream 320k, i know overkill but anyway, The Shoutcast streams are very easy click click your up. Icecast needs Mount points and Master Stream info. Im a little confused as to what they are looking for I've read the basic setup about mount points and stuff. I have a Streaming company but weve only delt with Shoutcast as I've said, and i know for setting up Nicecast to use a Shoutcast stream you must use the name of the URL and the numbers version, Im not sure where to put this info, spent 2 hrs inside the stream config and inside a Prog called BUTT,. Inside Butt my Shoutcast stream hooked up in secs....Icecast will not connect. Maybe I need a different testing prog? Could somebody help on this.
