using custom.liq

Read 7211 times
I have tried today configuring custom.liq to add some processing to my stream, which will predominantly be AutoDJ with some occasional Live input, so i have used what i though to be correct centovacast.callback_all

however i don't know what source name i should be using i have tried both s and Source, but both of those make Liquidsoap Fail.

am i missing something.

an example would be using sky() (multi band Processor)

i have tried centovacast.callback_all = sky(s) and centovacast.callback_all = sky(source)

i may be completely wrong in my understanding of this?

also even using the example within custom.liq does not work.
My workaround is to comment "centovacast.callback_all" in centovacast.liq, then your custom callback_all function  from custom.liq will work.
But if you will change your Auto-DJ configuration and restart it - all changes in centovacast.liq will be gone and you will have to comment these lines once again.

Apparently that should not happen, looks like a bug, either comments should be kept, or custom callbacks should work.