Repeat of ((Scheduled)) playlists TOH needs to play every hour on the hour

Read 11713 times
we need to have the playlists repeat more often and at certain times

For instance Commercials    play them at 10 after each hour,    as it is now it will only repeat once per day  well repeating it every hour need to be implemented at our current 10 and 50 after each hour we'll need 48 play lists this is far way to much worek than what should be needed to make it happen

TOH or Top of the hour    Needs tor repeat every hour on or near the hour not every 60 mins.   
I was about to start a new thread asking for this. Anyway please can we have playlists scheduling options for multiple occurrences times an hour, every hour of every day of the year in line with Radionomy's advertising requirements.

"It's required that you include a pair of two-minute stopsets each hour in your programming for us to insert the commercials. This provides the revenue that your station will receive for being a part of the SHOUTcast Streaming Service. These stopsets must occur between :15 and :30 past the hour for the first stopset and again between :45 and the top of the hour for the second one."


Dr B. - Party Vibe Radio
Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 09:01:04 pm by Dr Bunsen
Actually it looks as if you can schedule this to happen with the Station Identifier playlist. Ignore this. Thanks.
this does not happen at certain times...   at least times that are important IE Important we need to play the TOH
every hour on the hour..  Not 5 8 or 15 after.   As centova has it now..   it wil lplay every hour.   but that hour is not always on the mark   sometimes not even close.

We need centova to play playlists at certain times.  or as very close to the time we need it played with out having to build 100 playlists. at the moment we have 72 play lists to play the TOH and our Commercials on time every time. 

This can be a simple fix on Centova's end    just by putting in a time section and having a repeat feature  with a drop down for Every Hour/min/Day   etc..... 

the time is very important  so that centove would play starting at the specified or past time and repeat every hour.

Walla  72 confusing playlists just went down to 3.   
I have the same problem. I have 24 different  playlist  each our and commercials  playing every hour on the hour, how can i set this?
I have the same problem, for 4 my radios. Thanks