I wonder if someone has any thoughts on the following, which we presume to be a configuration issue.
Our Icecast 2.x stream is set up so that the Centova 3.x AutoDJ is normally sent to listeners on /stream, but when a live DJ comes on, the listeners are moved to the /live mountpoint, so we have no need to switch off the AutoDJ before starting a live session.
Audio-wise, this works beautifully, instantaneously and seamlessly: to the listener, the minute the live DJ accesses the server, the AutoDJ stream is no longer heard and is replaced by the live content; and when the live DJ goes off the AutoDJ resumes immediately.
HOWEVER, when the live source is being heard, while listeners hear only the live DJ and see only the live metadata, the Centova logging system records BOTH the AutoDJ metadata AND the live metadata interleaved with each other. This obviously plays havoc with our royalty data.
Obviously, technically the AutoDJ is still whirring away, but just as its audio and metadata don't go to output when the live DJ is playing, we don't think its metadata should be being logged by Centova either.
We presume that this is a configuration issue.
The question is, therefore, how should an Icecast 2.x/Centova 3.x setup be configured to enable auto-transfer of listeners from AutoDJ to live DJ when the live DJ accesses the stream, but so that when the AutoDJ is audible, the AutoDJ metadata is logged by Centova, and while the live DJ is audible, the Live metadata ONLY is logged by Centova - ie, Centova logs the same data as is seen by listeners on a player tuned to the stream?
Many thanks in advance for any comments we can work on with our provider. We need this for a special event station in a week or so, so all thoughts will be gratefully received.
--Richard E
Radio Riel