It would appear that the 64-bit version of Shoutcast 2.2.1 has a bug that's causing it to crash when the logs are being rotated. (which happens every 12 hours for Centova Cast users)
If this happens to you as well, you should just replace your 64-bit Shoutcast version with the 32-bit one. Here's a download link for the 32-bit version: replace your /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/sc_serv with the sc_serv file from the tarball provided above and After that run the following commands:
cd /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2
chmod a+x ./sc_serv
And finally you might need to install some missing 32-bit libraries:
The way of installing Glibc for 32 bit varies depending on your Linux distribution.
For CentOS 5.8+ / 6.x run this:
yum install glibc.i686 (or if it doesn't work try "yum install")
For older CentOS, RedHat and Similar:
yum install lib32-glib
For Debian and similar:
apt-get install ia32-libs
After that restart your stations so they start using the new version and your problem should go away.
P.S.: thanks go to the user
heisenberg for providing this tip